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Terms of Service


By booking with Mermaid Margo, you agree to the following:

  • In some instances, Mermaid Margo requires a non-refundable deposit in order to reserve the date for your event. Payment of all remaining fees is due at the beginning of your event and should be given either directly to Mermaid Margo or her assistant, in the form of either cash, check, money order, or PayPal.


  • It is YOUR responsibility to book a venue, (if necessary), and pay any venue fees. If renting time at a public pool or lake, please be sure to ask whether or not mermaids are allowed before booking.


  • A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES, (preferably more than one depending on the number of children present). Mermaid Margo is not a babysitter, nor a lifeguard. She is not responsible for the safety of children or others, though she will do everything in her power to maintain a safe environment. If at any time she feels as though her working conditions are unsafe for either herself or others, she reserves the right to change/refuse them.


  • Mermaid Margo asks for your cooperation when dealing with inappropriate behavior. If you see a child harming her in ANY way, (pulling on her hair or earrings, biting, kicking, spitting, dragging her down in the water, damaging her costume or personal effects, etc.), she will expect your help in redirecting the behavior. 


  • Mermaid Margo will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment from guests or clients.    a


  • Please allow Mermaid Margo time to change and transition. She will require a private area away from guests where she can put on, and later remove, her costume. She may ask that children temporarily leave the pool area so that she can arrive/leave without being seen. 


  • Please inform Mermaid Margo before the event if it is alright with your guests for her assistant to take photographs and video, (which may end up on one of her social media sites if permitted).


By agreeing to hire Mermaid Margo, you agree and understand that there are inherent risks when swimming in a

pool, at a lake, or in the ocean. You understand that mermaid participation is at your own risk, and you accept all responsibility. You agree to not bring any charges or claims against Mermaid Margo.


A copy of these terms will be made available to you via email.  She may a\

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